Today we spent the morning at The Center For Advanced Pediatric & Perinatal Education to attend three simulations that highlighted challenges in the L&D environment. Here is the full sim about delayed cord clamping. Here is the full sim about placental abruption. Here is the full sim about well-baby resuscitation. Here are CAPE insights.
I’d like to give a hearty “thanks” to all the participants involved in the simulations today:
Julie Arafeh, RN, Mike Kolaitis, NCEE, CCEMTP, Henry Lee, MD, Ruth Ann Crystal, MD, Kimberly Harney, MD, and to Barbara Beebe, the business manager at CAPE, for being incredibly helpful “behind the scenes” and Jan Stürmann, our videographer.
Links to all photos:
1.) Delayed Cord Clamping In A Pre-Term Infant Born Via C-Section
2.) “Well Baby” Suddenly Stops Breathing One Hour After Birth