What a night! Four groups prototyped their services/products aimed to help new parents and clinicians in a hospital setting. The four projects can be summarized below:
1.) How might we create an interactive way to create a birth plan that is integrated into an EMR, so that parents and clinicians have time to understand the possibilities and limitations in order to set realistic expectations?
2.) How might we create an a la carte menu of premium services for delivering parents so that they feel a unique level of personalization and pampering possibilities in the hospital L&D setting?
3.) How might we develop a system to help moms with premature babies see their baby at all times from their bedside so they feel less stressed and more connected to their newborn?
4.) How might we create a localized heat source for the newly delivered baby so that fast-moving physicians can keep their cool while maintaining a higher temperature for baby?
Project presentations will be up soon on a new “Projects Video” page coming Monday! Thanks to all who participated in this highly experimental Stanford d. School pop-up class.It has been a privilege working with the doctors, parents, CAPE staff, and interdisciplinary Stanford students to make Redesigning the Hospital Birth Experience a reality! What’s next? Stay tuned…